Cruise - Senior Simulations Engineer
About our Client
Founded in 2013 by Kyle Vogt, Cruise Automation was created to allow fully autonomous vehicles to take to the streets, creating a safer road for everyone. After building its first working prototype, Cruise was then acquired by General Motors and has since grown to over 1000 employees, eventually opening its ride-share program to the public in San Francisco. In 2023 and beyond, GM is expected to mass produce a publicly available self-driving vehicle.
The Challenge
As they were building out their simulations to test self-driving AI, Cruise needed someone to come in and build complex road situations. This would challenge the AI to respond correctly to realistic scenarios in a safe environment, before testing it in the real world. This could include having an animal (small or large) walk out into the road, and having the AI detect and stop in a safe and appropriate way.
The person in this role would be required to research and implement authoring and validation tools to ensure Cruise’s scenarios and tests reflect realistic on-road situations. Engineers in this type of position would typically need to have gameplay programming experience. This would include but is not limited to building highly realistic simulations for console or VR in an educational setting.
Nxt Level was able to source, contact, and place the right candidate for the position so that Cruise could continue to innovate and create a safer driving environment for everyone.
The Results
Candidates Sourced: 326
Candidates Screened: 9
Sent to Client: 6
Candidates placed with Cruise: 1